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An Open Letter to the US Supreme Court

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An Open Letter to the US Supreme Court ,

The public’s faith in elections is essential to a functioning democratic or republican form of government. If the electoral process fails, all that is left for people to express their desires or discontents is protesting or rioting in the streets. The public opinion polls show a strong majority of Americans feel there was interference with the Nov 2020 election. However, we all know opinion poll results are not facts. There must be actual evidence of interference to go beyond opinion.

We can say with assurance that there was a co-ordinated effort across the several swing states to do something at the ballot counting centers in the five largest cities in the five largest swing states. The reason we know about this co-ordinated effort is the fact that the five critical buildings all closed down because of “facilities failures” during the same six hour period in the early morning of Nov 4th.

Anyone who has worked in commercial buildings knows that facility failures that require evacuation of the building are rare. I have experienced such occurrences twice in fifty years of working in such places. The statistical calculation here is simple. Using my experience as a guide, one can say there is a 2/((50 years) x(365 days per year)) chance that a facility failure would occur in one building during any particular day. That translates into 1 chance in 9125 that a particular building would suffer a major “facilities failure” on a particular day. However, America had five major election center failures all at the same time. Statisticians figure these odds by multiplying

(1/9125) x (1/9125) x (1/9125) x (1/9125) x (1/9125) which equals approximately (1/63200000000000000000)

In layman’s language, this means there is 1 chance out of 63,200,000,000.000,000,000 that the closure of these five buildings for “facilities failure” at the same time would occur without some human design or plan. Put differently, we can say with high assurance some person (or persons) planned these shut downs. It doesn’t say anything about the motive involved. It might have been a prank or it might have been done to play with the ballots or the machines without being observed by election watchers. Your guess is as good as mine.

You might say that elections are basically the states’ responsibility, but here we have an obvious multi-state scheme operating which no individual state’s election authority would have any reason to note. The focus of their concerns are properly within their respective state boundaries.

Since voting is so important to the overall design of our governing system and since our Constitution gives you the ultimate authority to judge schemes that span the whole nation, I believe the Federal Courts have a duty to take a few of these election cases and use them as a wedge to force the truth to the surface.

I am 80 years old, and each year the idea of having to protest or riot in the streets to make my views known becomes less and less appealing.

...... (prepared by Hugh Murray on 12/15/2019)

.... (prepared by Hugh Murray 2/1/2020)

About the Author

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(prepared by Hugh Murray on 6/28/2017



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This page hopes to bring a common sense, old fashioned view to today's news. The comments displayed on this page were prepared by Hugh V. Murray, who can be reached at hvm@aol.com